Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Very productive day today

At the office, we (David, Michel & I) made great strides towards analyzing what a "world-class" international corporate banking application looks like. Now all that remains is defining it, scoping it, designing it, developing it, debugging it, selling it, deploying it, and supporting it. That's all. At least the only part of the problem that belongs to me is the defining it part (and a little in the scoping and designing...). The rest is left to folks smarter than me. I'm glad I work with a whole bunch of them!

After work, I made more great strides... this time around Brussels. I made my way (much more swiftly and straightforwardly) back to Brussels Center where I managed to buy batteries for my (ok Robert's!) camera, more chocolates for some of my favorite people, a waffle with chocolate (aka dinner!) for myself, and some gifts. I then tried to retrace some of the strides I took with Michel & Alexis on Sunday since I am once again in possession of a fully-functioning camera. I managed to get to some of the same locations and I found a few I hadn't seen yet.

Brussels on a beautifully cool early Tuesday evening is a much different place than it is on a warm bustling Sunday afternoon. It is truly a beautiful city, both clean and safe, ancient and modern, planned and haphazard. Police are in abundance, and even the small alleyways are not to be feared. People are very friendly. Two girls hurried up to me on a small street as I was walking away from the Grand Place (where I sat and ate my waffle & chocolate) and began babbling to me in French. I don't know if they assumed everyone in Brussels speaks French or maybe I just looked like I might, but when I said "no francais. english." they looked at me with disgust and walked away. Oh well.

Maybe the greatest stride of my day was first thing this morning when I talked David into accompanying me to the Belgium vs. Serbia soccer match tomorrow evening! I'm very excited! If I could blog from my phone (I could if I had a Blackberry or a superphone (just for you Molly!)), I'd give you the play-by-play, but alas, I cannot.

I've reached the 1/2 mark. 3 more days in Brussels.


Plasticman said...

Well hun if you need a Superphone or Blackberry I'm your guy.

I will fix ya up with a Superphone when you get back. None of use chocolate eaters would want to see you do without.

Btw we all miss you.

Sharon said...

Wow, some interesting work, lots of chocolate and now soccer to boot(bad pun!)Sounds like a good trip so far! (How nice that I can punctuate here as opposed to my terrible texting!)

Off for a walk now that we are below 100! What horrible heat these days! It's got to end soon right?

Hope the game is fun!